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5ive [Feb. 20th, 2008|12:43 am]
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Viens no pēdējā laika labajiem drone/metal post-hardcore... sauc kā gribi - instrumentālajiem gara darbiem, kas iznācis tikai vakar 19. februārī uz leibla TORTUGA

Hesperus, 5ive’s forthcoming full-length LP, prods and provokes the listener to ascend through a modulated mind muddle, in attempts to exhume the brimming melodic crest slumbering beneath a cyclic miasma of transformative sound. Ben Carr (Guitars) and Charlie Harrold (Drums) after seven years of relative anonymity, have graced us again with both their presence and a picture perfect record, which serves as a frame worthy summation of the band’s past impressions and conceptual progression. Produced by Grammy nominee Andrew Schneider (Cave In, Daughters, Scissorfight), these seven tracks will send you silently swaying into a somnambulant state and then abandon you still stirring and stark naked in a roomful of uncomfortable silence. 

5ive - 2008  - Hesperus | part  1 || part 2 |
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Date:February 20th, 2008 - 12:52 am
good one
Date:February 20th, 2008 - 09:49 am
nenormāli reti man izdodas no kko nolādēt. wtf?
[User Picture]
Date:February 20th, 2008 - 09:58 am
paspaidi F5, tas yoyo elvē kautkā bieži pēdējā laikā karās :)
tikai pacietību!