muzons - Killing my lonliness... [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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Killing my lonliness... [Feb. 11th, 2008|09:46 pm]
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[mood |flirty]
[music |jazzzzzzzzyyy]

Iepatikās man viņas mūzika...
Un home page ary nav ne vainas...

your not a good friend
not even a good lover
im just killing my lonliness
with you
Once opon a time
you were my only desire
but now i tired to fight
for you

Im killing my lonliness whith you
Killing my feelings for you
Killing my time with you
Tru get with you
Im crawling the spire in me
But it so much to compares
To let it die slowly

Every time i stop
to enjoy my freedom
you always come get
me back
What you do that for
go ahead and tell me apart
Time is the healen
to get myself together
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Date:February 11th, 2008 - 10:17 pm
kautkāda nekrofīlija
[User Picture]
Date:February 11th, 2008 - 10:26 pm


teikšu lindas pašas vārdiem:
dažkārt atskārsme par lietas patieso būtību, nāk tikai brīžos, kad blieziens pa galvu liek salimt ceļos.
[User Picture]
Date:February 12th, 2008 - 05:39 pm
Manuprāt, beidzot viņa ir atradusi savu īsto lauciņu, un es esmu priecīga par viņu...tā nav vairs popmūzika, bet kkas savādāks, mūzika ar odziņu, novertējiet "electric kiss", vnk ideāli, tas retro šarmiņš u.t.t. ...!!!