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[Apr. 26th, 2007|10:21 pm]
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[music |Digitalism - Pogo]

Hamburg, Germany-based duo Jens Moelle and Ismail Tuefekci, aka Digitalism, will release their debut full-length artist album titled "Idealism" in June.
Digitalism, who have received attention for their high profile remixes of bands such as Klaxons, Cut Copy, Test-Icicles and The Futureheads, describe their debut as "an attempt to reach out, and create structures, but also this space aspect, you depart from Earth to something new." That "something new" being indie rock fused with dance-oriented sounds.
Format: CD/192 kbps
Label: Kitsune
Release date:June 5, 2007

Mani peronīgi uzrunāja tie netīri pārgrieztie basi. Un vēl šis tas. Ceru, ka jums arī patiks.

"The Sun is in the air, yeah."
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Date:April 27th, 2007 - 01:06 am
esmu jau tikai viens no simtiem, taču manai gaumei tāda kosmiskās stacijas "sintetiska elektro" ļurināšan vien ir - jo man gribas kaut ko nopietnāku... telpiskāku un skarbāku :) hehe taču skaņdarbs 'Pogo', nez kāpēc ļoti atgādināja Bloc Party.

māxlinieciski, krāsaini noskaņotiem ļaužiem patix :o)