muzons - December 6th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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December 6th, 2010

Parov Stelar - That Swing: Best Of (2009) [Dec. 6th, 2010|07:00 pm]


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Parov Stelar aka Marcus Füreder lives and works in Linz / Austria. The freedom of jazz combined with the groove of house and breakbeat describes the character of Parov Stelar. The main theme is clearly defined, high quality music engaged in functionality. Parov’s productions addresses the DJ at the club as well as the listener in his easy chair.

Chambermaid Swing
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VA - Bangs & Works Vol. 1 (A Chicago Footwork Compilation) [Dec. 6th, 2010|11:03 pm]


[mood |nevelc. trust me.]

Typically, footwork is a collage of irregular and halting drum patterns, snaking sub-bass, film samples and vocal phrases cut-up, looped or subject to vari-speed. From an editing viewpoint, it's not sophisticated, but the overall effect is startling and mesmeric in its deceptive simplicity. To those used to house settling into an easy, predictable 4/4 groove, it might be difficult to grasp how anyone could possibly dance to this sort of music at all.

Vārdu sakot Čikāgā pie šī dejo. Nopietni.
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