muzons - September 24th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 24th, 2010

Maximum The Hormone - Buiiki Kaesu (2007), cbr, 320kbps [Sep. 24th, 2010|01:46 pm]


Nesen netīšām novilku japānīšu ņūmetāla grupas maximum the hormone diskogrāfiju.
šorīt no rīta klausījos šo albumu, klausījos un salikās baigi labais, tāpēc nolēmu padalīties
izklausās bišķīt pēc agrīnajiem sistem of a down, šis tas no korn, bass vietām atgādina rhcp un pa vidu daudz superfm zaptes, respektīvi visa mana jaunība sastūķēta blenderī un samalta vienā audiopļeckā.
kopumā - dīvains mikslis, bet smuki paķer. un lieliski iekačā braucot ar riteni

ieskatam: TE un TE.


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Ef - Mourning Golden Morning (2010) [Sep. 24th, 2010|03:01 pm]


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[music |Ef – Alp Lugens and beyond]

Nebiju piefiksējusi,ka EF jau aprīlī iznācis jauns ko lai saka,kur viss jau pateikts- ''glorious release that captures the essence of Ef and sends the listener on an unforgettable emotional journey''!

Artist: Ef
Title Of Album: Mourning Golden Morning
Year Of Release: 2010
Genre: Post Rock
Bitrate: FLAC | lossless (tracks+.cue)
Total Time: 51:41 min
Total Size: 320 MB(+5%)


01 Escapade #1
02 Sons Of Ghosts
03 K-141 KYPCK
04 Longing For Colors
05 Fyra
06 401 Lwa
07 Alp Lugens And Beyond
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KT Tunstall – Tiger Suit (2010) [Sep. 24th, 2010|04:23 pm]


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Tunstall said that the album's title is inspired by a recurring dream she had, before discovering that 2010 is the Chinese Year of the Tiger. She said that while writing and recording the album, she found a new sound she called "Nature techno", which mixes organic instrumentation with electronic and dance textures. At a media showcase in London, KT Tunstall offered an unusual description of the songs from her forthcoming third album: "Like Eddie Cochran working with Leftfield".

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