muzons - December 30th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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December 30th, 2009

xmas bass [Dec. 30th, 2009|09:20 am]



padalīšos ar kaut ko neordināru

velc no manis:
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Blünt/Nagasaki Nightmare Split [Dec. 30th, 2009|12:47 pm]


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Es te pirmo reizīt kaut ko ieliks. Divas tādas manuprāt :) interesantas grupas no Spānijas - Blünt un Itālijas - Nagasaki Nightmare (Šie arī viesojušies Latvijā labu laiciņu atpakaļ) Spēlē nu tādu Crust/Punk/Hardcore fig viņ zin, nu vairāk jau crust. Tāda tumša mūzika.
Novelc. No kautkāda Crust Bloga -> TTTTEEEEE un no Bolga ir links TEEEE

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Black Moth Super Rainbow – The Autumn Kaleidoscope Got Changed (2009) [Dec. 30th, 2009|04:07 pm]
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The Autumn Kaleidoscope Got Changed (Album, Sing To Us) + EP, Sing To Us will be given the deluxe reissue treatment on double vinyl. Originally a private press CDR from 2001, The Autumn Kaleidoscope Got Changed was never properly released, and mainly just given out to friends. Some material made it onto the first real BMSR album, Falling Through A Field in 2003, but Autumn’s sound is more fragile, haunted and acoustic. Included on a specially etched record is EP, Sing To Us, an even less produced CDR made up of songs left off of the album.

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Omkara [Dec. 30th, 2009|10:53 pm]



poļu numetal blice kapā sanskritu!

te muzons klausāms un nolādējams, tip zem kreatīvās komūnas licenzes.
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