muzons - May 27th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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May 27th, 2009

Candycoveredclown - Xemmoreah [May. 27th, 2009|11:06 am]


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Kislotnijs muzāks no Latvijas, izdots uz Krievijas netleibla Clinical Archives.
Varbūt patiks tiem, kam patīk Ksenakis, Hekers, Burzum, Māris Sants utt.
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Five Iron Frenzy - All The Hype That Money Can Buy [May. 27th, 2009|06:55 pm]
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[music |Murka]

Rīza Roupera brīnišķā balss un songwriting skilli.

all my dreams are slowly dying
i can count my years in scars
the only one that never left me
has carried me so very far
i've heard it said that he wastes nothing
so beautiful to behold
the author of my hope is writing
the greatest story ever told
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The Weakerthans - Reconstruction Site [May. 27th, 2009|08:42 pm]
[music |The Weakerthans]

Kārtējā skaistumu nezaudējošā klasiskā vērtība. Ar metaforu meistardzejnieku Džonu K. Semsonu priekšgalā.

You tried not to roll your sunken eyes
And said "Hey can you help me? I can't reach it"
Pointed to the camera in the ceiling
I climbed up, blocked it so they couldn't see
Turned to find you out of bed and kneeling
Before the nurses came took you away
I stood there on a chair and watched you pray
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