muzons - April 19th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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April 19th, 2009

NOFX - Coaster [Apr. 19th, 2009|04:01 pm]



NOFX pēdējais veikums. velkams šeit.

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Current 93 - Aleph at Hallucinatory Mountain (2009) [Apr. 19th, 2009|09:44 pm]


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Aleph at Hallucinatory Mountain is the long-awaited new album from Current 93 and their first album in three years, following on from their double-platinum-selling album Black Ships Ate the Sky, and is released on David Tibet's new label Coptic Cat... the most unique, most unpredictable and most powerful album yet from Current 93...

Most ne most, bet tik daudz distortētu ģitāru iekš neviena Tibetas Dāvja murgojuma vēl neesmu dzirdējes. Zagt var te vai te (jāiznāk tikai maijā, astoņpadsmitajā)
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