muzons - December 15th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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December 15th, 2008

[Dec. 15th, 2008|08:11 pm]
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Clutchy Hopkins - Walking Backwards (2008)

Clutchy Hopkins is an independant L.A. based hip-hop producer and DJ. He makes jazz inspired instrumental hip-hop music using only live instrumentation, no samples. No one truly knows the identity of Clutchy, if you believe the story on his MySpace page, Clutchy Hopkins is the son of a Motown engineer who studied with monks, fought with Nigerian revolutionaries, and recorded in a cave before disappearing into the desert / utt.
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kārlis kazāks [Dec. 15th, 2008|11:51 pm]


tiem, kas šodien netika līdz veikalam UPE - jaunā Kārļa Kazāka plate "uz Manām Plaukstām"

1. nekur 2. ceturtais jūlijs 3. ūdens 4. sieviete Tev 5. cunami 6. piedots tiek tik daudz 7. nekad 8. es esmu stāsts 9. rīts ir neparasts 10. Tu neguli 11. sniegs
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