muzons - November 7th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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November 7th, 2008

Mr. Scruff - Ninja Tuna [Nov. 7th, 2008|11:29 am]


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Mr. Scruff - Ninja Tuna /electronica, dnb, jazz/
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[Nov. 7th, 2008|04:55 pm]

Tom Heasley - On the sensations of tone (2002)

Tom Heasley plays an unusual instrument for ambient music - the tuba. The tuba is processed through multi-effects to achieve the desired sound. The textures of sound have a unique quality, with (as you might expect) the tuba sound most noticable at the start of each note. The notes ring out over long distances and morph into delicate atmospheric sounds
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