muzons - October 21st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 21st, 2008

minimalist / psychedelic / math rock / indie pop [Oct. 21st, 2008|06:27 am]
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Foals are a band from Oxford, England. The band are signed with Transgressive Records in Europe and Sub Pop in the USA. A full length album — entitled Antidotes — was released on 24 March 2008 in the UK, and 8 April in the USA. It was produced by Dave Sitek of TV on the Radio though the band chose to mix the record themselves.
Guitarist and vocalist Yannis Philippakis was recently voted 45 in music magazine NME's 2007 Cool List.

Foals - Olympic Airways (Video) directed by Dave Ma

Foals - Antidotes (Limited Edition) (2008) / part1
Foals - Antidotes (Limited Edition) (2008) / part2
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[Oct. 21st, 2008|04:25 pm]


[music |album leaf - always for you]

Sveiki, mūzikas cienītāji! :)

Kaut kā sadomāju iepukstēt un palasīties komentārus, ko citi cilveciņi klausās... šoreiz runa būs par mūziku no Islandes. Kā zināms, no turienes nāk daudz izcilas mūzikas - sākot ar Bjork, Sigur Ros, Album Leaf un Mum... Tie ir vismaz man zināmie. Tad nu gribēju jautāt, vai neesmu palaidusi garām k-ko tādu kam točna jābūt iekš pleilistes, ko nedrīkst nezināt...
Jā, zinu ir, kur var atrast similiar artists utt., bet tomēr gribējās dzirdēt šeit esošo cibiņu domas. :) Ja nu nav slinkums, padalieties ar savu mūzikas gaumi. :)
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No Turning Back (Nīderlande) [Oct. 21st, 2008|10:24 pm]
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Muzons... )
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