muzons - February 20th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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February 20th, 2008

5ive [Feb. 20th, 2008|12:43 am]


Viens no pēdējā laika labajiem drone/metal post-hardcore... sauc kā gribi - instrumentālajiem gara darbiem, kas iznācis tikai vakar 19. februārī uz leibla TORTUGA

Hesperus, 5ive’s forthcoming full-length LP, prods and provokes the listener to ascend through a modulated mind muddle, in attempts to exhume the brimming melodic crest slumbering beneath a cyclic miasma of transformative sound. Ben Carr (Guitars) and Charlie Harrold (Drums) after seven years of relative anonymity, have graced us again with both their presence and a picture perfect record, which serves as a frame worthy summation of the band’s past impressions and conceptual progression. Produced by Grammy nominee Andrew Schneider (Cave In, Daughters, Scissorfight), these seven tracks will send you silently swaying into a somnambulant state and then abandon you still stirring and stark naked in a roomful of uncomfortable silence. 

5ive - 2008  - Hesperus | part  1 || part 2 |
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kola no Mola [Feb. 20th, 2008|11:55 am]


dārgie brieži!

Jauniešu izglītošanas nolūkos ir vajadzīga lieliskā Jolantas Suvorovas vokāli instrumentālā performance "Brokastu dziesmiņa", kas tautā pazīstama arī ar apzīmējumu "kola no lielveikala Mola".
Ja kādam krājumā mētājas, ļoti Jūs lūdzu atsūtīt uz kurminators(at)! (pa ašo un neašo neatradās :( )

Tencinu jel!
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ORGANIC DESPAIR - MARASME [Feb. 20th, 2008|04:20 pm]



un 5tā dziesma MASSIVE - uj uj uj cik jauki!
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