muzons - January 23rd, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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January 23rd, 2008

Private sunshines [Jan. 23rd, 2008|07:56 am]
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The Bombay Dub Orchestra is a project by UK based producer and composer Garry Hughes and classical composer Andrew T. Mackay. It combines global influences as diverse as electronica, ambient, western classical, Indian classical.
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Death by Panda [Jan. 23rd, 2008|08:40 am]



mazais monstrs - darbojas zem vārda Death By Panda

"Born in 1988 in Riverside, California, Erik Luebs has spent the majority of his teenage life articulating himself through synthetic music. Working under a variety of monikers, Death by Panda was not conceptualized until the summer of 2006. This new project finds him fusing both organic and synthetic sounds, and rests somewhere between the glitch-minimalism of IDM, and the lush, ethereal depths of post-rock. It's depressing music that you can dance to, and everybody likes that!"

viņa maispeisa lapā un arī mājaslapā pieejami visi viņa albūmi downlaudošanai par brīvu:
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Silje Nes - Ames Room [Jan. 23rd, 2008|12:46 pm]



Pirmā daļa
Otrā daļa

Mans absolūtais favorīts no pēdējos 2-3 gados iznākušajiem albumiem. Trausls, folķīgs dream pop, kas attāli atgādina vienlaikus melodiskāku un eksperimentālāku CoCoRosie. Sīkākas pārdomas var izlasīt apskatā.
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