muzons - April 15th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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April 15th, 2007

[Apr. 15th, 2007|02:52 pm]


Plastic Mutations - The Electronic Tribute to Radiohead
Released: 2001-04-17

1. Paranoid Android - Mitchell Sigman (luxury harrison remix)
2. Kid A - George Sarah
3. Exit Music (For A Film) - Motor Industries
4. High & Dry - Transient (Feat. Mike Moore)
5. Idioteque - In One Ear Out The Analog
6. Let Down - Mitchell Sigman
7. Creep - Galactic Achievement Society
8. Motion Picture Soundtrack - In One Ear Out The Analog
9. Climbing Up The Walls - Motor Industries
10. Fake Plastic Trees - Transient (Feat. Shelonda)
11. Everything In Its Right Place - In One Ear Out The Analog
12. Filter Happier - Motor Industries
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[Apr. 15th, 2007|03:34 pm]

Vai Jums gadījumā kādam nav kāds ieraksts ar jūras ūdens skaņām apmēram 3 - 4 min. garš? Ļoti vajadzētu.

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