Macquarie Ridge |
[Oct. 18th, 2005|06:15 am] |
Bonusa gabals no Boards of Canada albuma The Campfire Headphase Japānas izdevuma.
Boards of Canada - Macquarie Ridge (194 kbps VBR, 6.90 MB)
elektroniķiem ne niķiem |
[Oct. 18th, 2005|01:15 pm] |
stockfinster : All Becomes Music (Sutemos011)
"Now the time has come to release a full album (or whatever you'd like to call it) on Sutemos. Ten stockfinster-tracks that cover the last couple of years. I feel a bit strange about it all, because I am not used to having my music accessible to the general public. Each track is very much a labour of love, with many hours of nitpicking behind them. I hope whoever downloads them listens to them carefully at least once - preferably on headphones. A lot of the tracks include samples of voices that I have gathered from TV and movies. I often receive critique that there are too many of them, and that the songs would be better off without them. Although I don’t agree, I have tried to steer away from resorting to voice-samples in my more recent songs."
man viņa lēno ģitāru stīgu, gaistošo klavieru akordu un mīksti sintizētajās skaņās ir diezgan daudz melanholijas, dažbrīd varbūt par daudz uz riņķi ejošas, bet tik un tā - ir gana skaisti. un tās balsis man nepavisam netraucē, drīzāk interesanti stāsta. |