muzons - July 5th, 2005 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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July 5th, 2005

Enjoy [Jul. 5th, 2005|02:56 pm]
[music |James Lavelle live at Glastonbury]

» The Essential Mixes:
1993-2005 )
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piedāvājums/lūgums izpalīdzēt [Jul. 5th, 2005|03:25 pm]
Auksts alus un matricas tam, kurš man ierakstīs Royksopp audio formātā!

plz? :)
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[Jul. 5th, 2005|04:40 pm]
Scann-Tec from Moscow releases the second mix in the "Collaps" serie. Again he shows his remarkable musical skill used to compose and mix the appearing songs into one massive atmospheric epos. Ranging from superdeep and wide ambient electronica to trippy forward beats.

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[Jul. 5th, 2005|07:07 pm]
Ja var ticēt Steve Vai officiālajai mājas lapai, tad šams ir paredzējis oktobrī ierasties pie mums un parādīt kā to ģitāru īsti spēlē.
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gospel [Jul. 5th, 2005|10:24 pm]



varat man ieteikt kko no gospeļmūzikas? (kā cilvēkam, kas tikai sāks tās iepazīšanu)
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