muzons - April 13th, 2005 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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April 13th, 2005

rītausmas mūzika [Apr. 13th, 2005|12:08 am]

Mint - When I Was Yours

P.S.ļoti atvainojos par parametru nenorādīšanu, bet es no tā neko nejēdzu. ja varbūt kāds varētu šajā jautājumā izpalīdzēt, es priecātos :)
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jazzy drum`n`bass. i suppose - live :) 30.04.2005 [Apr. 13th, 2005|03:00 pm]
Music of RONIN consistently follows the same aesthetic vision in various instrumental guises: to create maximum effect with minimal means. despite the multiplicity of influences, this music always possesses a strong individuality. elements from disparate musical worlds are incorporated: jazz, funk, classical music, new dance styles like ambient or drum and bass as well as sounds from the japanese noh-theater. however, these forms are not merely juxtaposed in a post-modernist fashion but amalgamated to produce a coherent new style. ultimately, the sounds and rhythms of this music are highly differentiated and consist of very few phrases and motives. these are constantly combined and layered in new and varied ways.

don't miss nik baertsch's ZEN FUNK RONIN performance in riga on 30.04.2005 19:00 at the "reformation church" (reformatu baznica), address: marstalju iela 10 ! book your ticket NOW at . . .

ronin audio:

/un šeit video par tēmu JoJo Mayer + Nerve
28 vai 29 MB/

Lai gūtu aptuvenu iespaidu par to kā (varbūt) būs Sapņu Fabrikā septītajā Maijā :)
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mūžīgais jautājums [Apr. 13th, 2005|11:07 pm]
Carouge - How Could I Know / 192 kbps / 3:35 /

Pievērsiet uzmanību uz ksilifona vai kautkā tamlīdzīga iespēlētam semplam, kas pirmoreiz atskan no 0:34 - 0:36 un tad 01:00 - 01:02 kā arī vēl pāris reizes. Tripīgi un skaisti. Ahhhh

Par pašu Carouge.. nav ko daudz stāstīt - paklausieties. Grupiņa ir no Austrijas, Vīnes. Rada jauku mūziku, žanriski neiegrožojamu. Sākot no melanholiska house un beidzot ar fifīgu vokālo drum`n`bass. Ļoti.. cilvēcīgi
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