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These Are The Breaks [Aug. 26th, 2005|09:46 pm]
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The breakbeat is one of the most important elements of electronic music. It's provided the backbone for hip-hop, drum and bass, two-step, nu skool breaks, and countless other styles. DJs actively hunt down and collect breaks, keeping their eyes out for multiple copies of pristine originals. And nothing is more exciting than discovering an obscure break, one that has yet to be sampled into a track.

I figured must have a number of readers who are also interested in these original beats, so I've compiled a list of 10 of the biggest breaks. Granted, I couldn't include all of the famous breaks - there are way too many for just one article. But if this piece does well, I'd like to make it into a series.

Lasīt tālāk...
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Date:August 27th, 2005 - 01:01 pm
thanks 4 info.. :)