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[Nov. 19th, 2004|04:38 pm] |
 Everything But The Girl - Walking Wounded [06:07, 128kbps] Everything But The Girl - Single (Photek rmx) [05:15, 128kbps]
No albuma Like The Deserts Miss The Rain (2002)

// Single remix pēdējā laikā tika dzirdēts sēžot John Lemon bārā un lika novilkt arī citas EBTG dziesmas. EBTG visai dažādi izpauž savu saldsērīgo message. Šie 2 treki ir man vismīļākie. Drum'n'bass triphops. Pārējie ir gan lounge, easy listening, tiphop utml skaņās. Gaidiet EBTG 12" no manis atmsfēriskajos dnb pasākumos. Esmu dzirdējis izteikumus, ka šis ir viens no dnb popsas (tāpat kā Goldie - Timeless), bet Photek vārds jau vien liecina par līmeni kādā šie profesionālie mūziķi strādā. Anyway, līdz šādam līmenim ir jāizaug, lai pie šīs mūzikas 100% atbrīvoti dejotu. Īpaši man patīk smalkās bundziņas un dvēseliski berošie basa gājieni no izteikt augstām līdz dziļām, telpu piepildošām vibrācijām. Vienlaicīgi vēl ar baudu varu klausīties gan tīro vokālu, gan to weirdness, kas notiek ar breiku efektiem, reverbiem un delejiem. Mūzika ir nostrādāta līdz pēdējam. Perkfekti. Šī jau vairs nav elektronika, tā jau ir māksla.
Everything But The Gril - Walking Wounded Out amongst the walking wounded, every face on every bus Is you and me and him and her and nothing can replace the us I knew Nothing can replace the us I knew And no, I'm never gonna let you go And no, I'm never gonna let you go And now I know I had a choice though you never made it clear to me I thought you never felt it deeply Now I'm never gonna let you go Now I'm never gonna let you go 'Cause I could have loved you forever I could have loved you forever What do you want from me?, Are you trying to punish me? Punish me for loving you, punish me for giving to you Punish me for nothing I do, punish me for nothing You punish me for nothing, for nothing Out amongst the walking wounded, every face on every bus Is you and me and him and her and nothing can replace the us I knew Nothing can replace the us I knew Now I'm never gonna let you go Now I'm never gonna let you go And now I know I had a choice though you never made it clear to me I thought you never felt it deeply Now I'm never gonna let you go Now I'm never gonna let you go 'Cause I could have loved you forever Oh I could have loved you forever What do you want from me? , Are you trying to punish me? Punish me for loving you, punish me for giving to you Punish me for nothing I do, punish me for nothing You punish me for nothing, for nothing Out amongst the walking wounded, every face on every bus Is you and me and him and her and nothing can replace the us I knew Nothing can replace the us I knew Out amongst the walking wounded, every face on every train Is you and me and him and her, some days I think I could go insane Some days I think I could go insane
Everything But The Gril - Single I called you from the hotel phone I haven't dialled this code before I'm sleeping later and waking later I'm eating less and thinking more And how am I without you? Am I more myself or less myself? I feel younger, louder Like I don't always connect Like I don't ever connect And do you like being single? Do you want me back? Do you want me back? And do I like being single? Am I coming back? Am I coming back? I'll put my suitcase here for now I'll turn the TV to the bed But if no one calls and I don't speak all day Do I disappear? And look at me without you I'm quite proud of myself I feel reckless, clumsy Like I'm making a mistake A really big mistake And do you like being single? Do you want me back? Do you want me back? And do I like being single? Am I coming back? Am I coming back? Do you want me back? (x6) And now I know Each time I go I don't really know What I'm thinking And now I know Each time I go I don't really know What I'm thinking of Do you want me back? (x5) |