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24. Novembris 2006 - 00:17
kaut kādas lapas sūdīgāko ļaundaru top 10 pirmajā vietā ierindojās:
Saurons no Lord Of The Rings
(A.P. Pirms lasīšanas vēlams iedzert, lai jautrāk.)
Such an epic story deserves an epic villain, but instead of an all-powerful,
shit-kicking overlord, the citizens of Middle-Earth lived in fear of what basically
amounted to a pissed off lighthouse. With his earthly form chopped down to size after
a nasty cut on the fingers, Sauron is reduced to appearing as a giant, sore-looking
eyeball at the top of a tower, which kinda makes it hard to be truly evil, aside from
a few disapproving glares here and there. Ooh, we’re so scared Mr. Sauron - what
are you going to do, look at us funny? Poor Sauron might have the coolest armies at
his disposal, but it’s a shame he wasn’t blessed with any common sense: putting at least
a couple of guards outside the entrance to Mount Doom might have saved him a whole lot
of silly bother. Any self-respecting villain would have spotted that: maybe he should have gone to Specsavers.
(šis teksts bija angliski, ja kas...)
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