lol - Komentāri

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2. Aprīlis 2005 - 22:16
Scientists have determined that the average time of inter-
course lasts 4 minutes. The average number of strokes is
nine per minute, making the average intercourse 36 strokes
long. Since the average length of a penis is about 6 inches,
the average girl receives 216 inches of penis or 18 feet
of penis per intercourse.

If the average girl does it 3 times a week, (that makes
156 times annually) 156 x 18 feet of penis makes 2808 feet,
or just over a half mile of penis per year.

If a girl starts having sex at 16, and since the average
life span of a woman is 75, you could say that you could
be getting 2808 feet of penis x 59 years of sex makes
165,672 feet, or 55,224 yards, or a little over 31 miles
of penis in your lifetime.

Anyone whose getting more than that, well, yer just a big
ol slut.
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