 Mūzika: http://www.radio42.com - RADIO42 : Music for Lounge-Lovers. (WMA-48k, Server#1)
Он был обычным котом, лежал на печи и ел сметану. Но армия добралась и до него. Смотрите на видео "Кот в сапогах". |
Моей близости он добился с помощью угроз. Он угрожал жениться на моей подруге. |
Что у трезвой девушки на уме - то у пьяной во рту. |
"I need more time to myself. My mage in World of Warcraft really should be at level 50 by now."
"Face it, you have the charisma of a mountain orc and roll a natural one in the sack!"
"It's not you, it's Windows ME."
"I had a great time with you, but my starship is about to depart for another galaxy. Beam me up, Scotty! Kirk out."
"I think we shud IM othr peple LOLOLOL!!1! ;-D"
"Our relationship has performed an illegal operation and will be terminated."
"I just think we should date other imaginary people."
"I'm sorry, but I've decided you need to be outsourced." |