lol - 14. Decembris 2004

About 14. Decembris 2004

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pāris video15:14
Labs zooms kamerai vienmēr noder

Ņirgājamies par kaķiem (nekaitīgi)


How to improve 'this old whore house'

The Top 8 Geek Holidays19:27
8. CD-ROM Kippur
7. Parents' Wallet Day
6. RAM-add-in: Fast for a month to afford more memory chips.
5. Bully Boxing Day: A day of imaginary revenge.
4. The 12 Days of Star Wars: Standing in line for three days, seeing the movie, then complaining for nine days about how bad it was.
3. Microsoft Independence Day: The Open Source community celebrates freedom from proprietary software.
2. Sun Day: Turning on fluorescent lights to commemorate the geek who achieved martyrdom by opening the blinds.
1. Flamewar Veterans' Day!
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