lol - 23. Jūlijs 2004

About 23. Jūlijs 2004

A pregnant woman is about to give birth. The doctor has her on the delivery table, legs up in the stirrups. Suddenly, he sees the top of a head push through. Then the baby pops its head out and says to the doctor, "Are you my dad?".
The doctor says, "No, I am your doctor!". With that, the baby pops right back inside.
"Damn!", says the doctor. A short while later he sees the head push through again.
"Are you my dad?", asks the baby.
"No, I am your doctor.", he replies.
Once again the baby vanishes back into his mother's womb. The doctor turns to a nurse and says, "Nurse, get that baby's father in here right away - we may have a situation on our hands!". Moments later the baby's father is in the delivery room, and the baby's head once again pops out. "Are you my dad?", the baby asks of the father.
The father replies, "Yes, little baby, I am your father!"
The baby then reaches up and begins poking his father in the forehead with his index finger - "How do you like that?"

There are consistent trends in the past evolution of languages, and in all likelihood they will continue to change in the same fashion in the future.
In 200 years, spoken French will have only one sound, a vowel. All consonants and gaps between words and sentences will disappear, leaving only an extended "Eauuuuuuuuuuuu..." Meaning will be inferred from facial expression. Written French will stay exactly the same.
These consonants will not be entirely forgotten; they will migrate to Czechoslovakia, which will by that time have no use for vowels.
In 200 years, the English vocabulary will be the union of all other vocabularies, but the spelling will be original.
Similarly, the Japanese alphabet will be the union of all other alphabets in the world.
The Cyrillic alphabet will eventually be the same as the Latin alphabet, only backwards. A mirror will suffice for translating Russian into Polish.
Finally, in 200 years, entire books in Germany will be one word. Plus a verb at the end, of course. ENJOY!

Разговор пессимиста с оптимистом.
Пессимист ноет: "Как все достало, уже третий день не высыпаюсь, сколько можно".
Оптимист с улыбкой: "На том свете выспимся".
Пессимист: "Так до него еще дожить надо"...

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