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The Top 8 Signs Microsoft Is Losing Market Share6. Oktobris 2004 - 10:58
8> Spam e-mail messages now promise that if you forward this
message to 20 people, Bill Gates will send you a free copy
of Microsoft Bob.

7> They replaced their old slogan of "Where do you want to go
today?" with "Can we come with you? Please?"

6> Bill Gates leaves on a penguin-hunting trip.

5> Twenty percent fewer Blue Screens of Death. Actually, make
that 20% MORE Blue Screens of Death. (Whatever. We just like
irking Microsoft by saying "Blue Screens of Death.")

4> Clippy the Paperclip pops up with, "Are you looking for a
date tonight? You know, for only $50 I can morph into
anything you want. ANYTHING."

3> Bill Gates claims the porn that Microsoft is now bundling
with IE is integral to the operating system.

2> The internal betting pool has the over/under on another
Balmer Monkey Dance at three weeks.

and the Number 1 Sign Microsoft Is Losing Market Share...

1> Linus Torvalds has been seen shopping for office space in
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