Pievienojies Latvijas Folding@home komandai!


7th December 2008

4:19pm: Long term vision for FAH: Science, clients, etc
Folding@home vadītājs stāsta par sasniegto, pieminot jaunu datu apstrādes metožu ieviešanu un pārbaudi, darbu bioloģijas laukā un drīzumā gaidāmās zinātniskās publikācijas saistībā ar Alcheimeru, Hantingtonu u.c. Ilglaicīgā perspektīvā sola uztaisīt klientus (programmas) vieglāk instalējamas un ērtāk lietojamas, kā arī uzlabot projekta serverus u.c.

Long term vision for FAH: Science, clients, etc

It's been a while since I've posted on this topic, so I thought it would be a good time to talk about the long term vision for FAH. In the first few years, we have done a lot to build up methodology (novel distributed computing algorithms, tests of methods), especially in the last years working to bring GPU's, PS3's, and tightly coupled SMP calculations to a distributed computing platform. While all of this has been going on, there has been a lot of work which would have a direct impact to disease and human health, and donors should see more results (i.e. papers) coming out in this direction soon. In particular, results on Alzheimer's Disease, Huntington's Disease, and some other surprises in the works (sorry, some details are best left until peer review is done).
... tālāk ... )
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