Septembris 20., 2007

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18:10 - Citāts no Žaklīnas Cinovskas intervijas žurnālam "SHAPE"

(3 jau domāja labu | ir laba doma)


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Date:27. Decembris 2007 - 05:22


tajá filmá ir vispár daudz dazádu pozitívu lietu.
gudri cilvéki stásta ká ar prieka palídzíbu vairot prieku :) superígi!

'you can begin right now to feel healthy, you can begin feel prosperous, you can begin to feel the love that surrounding you even if it is not there and what will happen is the universe will corespond to the nature of your song, the universe will corespond to the nature of that inerfeeling and manifest, because that is how you feel'.

Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith D.D.
Domā labu! - Citāts no Žaklīnas Cinovskas intervijas žurnālam "SHAPE"

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