26 March 2009 @ 08:28 am
aiziet!? (..dazas pedejo dienu headlines no reuters)  
Suspected U.S. drone kills 4 in Pakistan
Reuters: Top News 3/26/09 6:49 AM topNews
PESHAWAR, Pakistan (Reuters) - A suspected U.S. drone aircraft fired two missiles into a house in Pakistan's North Waziristan region on the Afghan border on Thursday, killing four people, two Pakistani intelligence officials said.

North Korea readies missile
Reuters: Top News 3/26/09 3:44 AM topNews
SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea has put a long-range missile in place for a launch the United States warned would violate U.N. sanctions already imposed on the reclusive state for past weapons tests.

Government may snoop on websites
Reuters: Top News 3/25/09 1:03 PM topNews
LONDON (Reuters) - Social networking websites like Facebook could be forced to pass on details of users' friends and contacts under government proposals to fight terrorism.

Government warns of growing terrorism threat
Reuters: Top News 3/25/09 4:09 AM topNews
LONDON (Reuters) - The government warned of a growing terrorist risk from chemical, biological and radiological weapons Tuesday and pinpointed al Qaeda in Pakistan as a key threat as it revamped its national security strategy.
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Timoo[info]timoo on March 26th, 2009 - 10:33 am
ps. hilarija jau ir pateikusi ko doma par 2 zinju..
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fuckyuu[info]fuckyuu on March 27th, 2009 - 12:21 am
un ko tieši tu ar to gribēji pateikt?
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Timoo[info]timoo on March 27th, 2009 - 04:07 pm
nu man likas interesanti oficiala prese uziet info ka viena diena britu valdiba bridina par terorisma draudiem, nakamaja par to ka del ta saks kontrolet internetu.
un pectam ari to ka notiek jau reali uzbrukumi iranai un ka ir iebildumi pret north korea kkadiem tur izgajieniem diezgan nopietna limeni, kas viss atbilst man zinamajam teorijam.
es tik neticeju un joprojam neticu ka saksies kars. kautvai tadel ka amerikanu armijnieki jau sakusi atteikties no brauksanas ja ta notiktu. cits jautajums ja viniem tam iedos iemeslu.
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