Aber lūdzu, šādi mēs varam turpināt līdz bezgalībai :D Jo manuprāt, tad ir jācitē visa rindkopa :): "What we have found is that pedophilia cuts across the whole spectrum of diagnostic categories, but for the most part we are not dealing with persons who are mentally ill but who are emotionally troubled. The defects in their functioning are not cognitive, or perceptual, or emotional, but interpersonal. What we are dealing with, in most cases, is the aftermath of physical and/or psychological abuse, neglect exploitation, and/or abandonment during the offender's formative years, which has precluded the development of a sense of relatedness to others.
We have also observed that alcohol and drug abuse play a relatively minor role in the commission of such offenses, that females as well as males sexually molest children although such offenses are less socially visible and under-reported, that preadolescent boys and girls are at equal risk of being, sexually victimized, any that men who sexually molest boys are misidentified as homosexuals when they are in fact pedophiles."
Nevis, ka tā NAV slimība, bet ka tās ir dažādas diagnozes, vairums no kurām nav garīga slimība, bet nopietni emocionāli traucējumi, kas var nākt no paša bērnības pieredzes (bērnībā piedzīvotās seksuālas vardarbības vai pamestības pieredzes, NEVIS, piemēram, no tā, ka bērns ir skatījies, kā onkoļi parkā bučojas. Latvijā šobrīd vardarbība un bērnu pamešana plaukst un zeļ heteroseksuālās ģimenēs, un tur, iespējams, tieši šobrīd formējas jauni pedofīli). Un turpat ir pieminēts, ka upuri ir gan zēni, gan meitenes, un ka pāridarītāji ir gan vīrieši gan sievietes, un ka sabiedrība bieži jauc pedofīliju ar homoseksuālismu, kaut gan tās ir pilnīgi atšķirīgas lietas.