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Ayla Dikmen - Anlamazdın 13. Maijs 2009|13:14
Sevilirken bilmedin mi?
Ben söylerken gülmedin mi?
Falımızda hasret var ayrılık var demedim mi?
Anlamazdın anlamazdın..Kaderede inanmazdın…
Hani sen acı veren kalpsizlerden olmazdın….
Dilerim ki mutlu ol sevgilim..
Ben olmasam bile hayat gülsün sana..
Günahı boynunda,ağlayan bir çift göz bıraktın arkanda.
Kalbim bomboş kaldı sanma
Acılar geçer zamanla…
Aşka tövbe demem ben..
Görürsün sevince yeniden…
Anlamazdın anlamazdın..Kaderede inanmazdın…
Hani sen acı veren kalpsizlerden olmazdın….
Dilerim ki mutlu ol sevgilim..
Ben olmasam bile hayat gülsün sana..
Günahı boynunda,ağlayan bir çift göz bıraktın arkanda…

did you not know while you have been loving
did you not lough as i said
i said we have craving, break up in our fortune
you would not understand you would not understand, you would not believe in the fate
you said you would not be from those heartless who gives sorrow
i wish you to be happy darling
ever if i am not with you life would smile at you
at your pertil, you have left a pair of eyes that cry behind you
don't think that my heart is not all empty
time is the healer
i never say never again for love
when i see and love again
you would not understand you would not understand, you would not believe in faith
you said you would not be from those heartless who gives sorrow
i wish you to be happy darling
ever if i am not with you life would smile at you
at your pertil, you have left a pair of eyes that cry behind you
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