- 4/6/18 01:23 pm
Asprātīgs komentārs
par video, kur melnā beibe nošauj melno džeku, supposedly netīšām.
Happened down the street from me.
The guy in the back had an argument online with the guy in the front seat just one day before this MURDER.
The dead man had no idea who the girl was and you can clearly hear him asking her where she was from again BANG.
It was a set up and the piece of shit in the back seat will go free, even though he was the one that set up the murder.
Did they buy the gun legally, NO.
Would making guns illegal stop them, NO
Would taking my guns away make my family an easy target for people like this, YES.
Fuck the condom snorting generation and their call to ban guns.
The dundu female left the scene, hid the weapon, and washed her hands and arms with bleach to attempt to get rid of the gun powder residue...... so she would have a better chance as saying she din du nuffin..... But not enough smarts to realize she killed him on FB live in the first place.
52% of all the murders in the U.S. are committed by less than 3% of the total population. (Din DU Nation)
Noskatoties video atkārtoti, var redzēt tā aizmugurē sēdoša cilvēka reakciju tieši pirms slepkavības - viņš paskatās apkārt, vai nav liecinieku. Un beibe ar pistoli rīkojas kā pro. Skaisti.