Whut? Yea I am bored..

Posted by [info]spiritualized on 2007.10.23 at 09:41

What genre of Metal are you?

Gothic Metal

Bands like Beseech, Sirenia, Lacuna Coil, and Tiamat. Music is: Typically slower and with lots of atmosphere, the genre also sometimes sports twin vocalists (male and female). You enjoy the finer things in life and love beautiful things that tickle your senses. You are romantic without ever overdoing it, and you love the dark because it brings out your sensual side.

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Which Naruto girl are you? (Ultimate test)

You are Hinata

Shy, beautiful, like an angel... Thats Hinata... and you! Plz rate!

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Are you a werewolf


woot you rule

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Which alcoholic beverage are you?

You are a beer

You may waiver to other things, but you always come back to your roots!

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What anime picture are you?

you are dull

not may people enjoy you you are shy and dont speak try to be herd

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What Art Movement Are You?


Dreamy and idealistic, you've created a world that is all your own. It's very likely that you've either dabbled in drugs or are naturally trippy. You are always trying to push beyond the boundaries of your culture and society. You believe that art, love, and freedom can change the world.

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What kind of pie are you?

apple pie

you have bad taste

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Could you survive a zombie apocolypse?

you and a couple other people are the only survivors

have fun repopulating the earth

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How clean are you?

Squeeky Clean!!!!

Absolutely spotless!!!!

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What random object are you?

A Skeleton

your boring

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What drug is your personality like?


A bit wacky, you're very difficult to predict. One moment you're in your own little happy universe...And the next, you're on a bad trip to your own personal hell!

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Are you a ninja?

No sorry youre a wanna be ninja.

You are not a ninja there for ninjas will kill you in your sleep. (sorry)

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Which warrior cat are you?

You are Graystripe

You are a very powerful person but you have a huge heart. You are actually quite sensitive. You are very realistic and dead loyal.

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