Dialogi Ar Kādu Neprātīgo - iecistēšanās [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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iecistēšanās [Mar. 16th, 2014|12:09 am]
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this all is so terribly wrong.
home sweet home must be one of the safest places for a person. but when I'm not here - I'm this confident optimistic person, full of dreams and motivation. And then comes Friday at the end of which I start to ignore phone calls, don't want to go anywhere, talk to anyone.. I just wanna hide from the world. Lai cik skumji tas nebūtu - at home I feel fat, ugly, lonely, miserable, useless person.. an absolute failure, who is never good enough. And even the idea that the only person I have to be good enough for is myself - doesn't help, because being good enough for myself includes the criteria includes being good enough for my family. And being home hurts.
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