Dialogi Ar Kādu Neprātīgo - pūces [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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pūces [May. 5th, 2013|03:39 am]
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[Current Mood |not sleepy]
[Current Music |a dance with dragons [ab]]

so much for 'considering sleep' :D i just am not meant for sleeping schedule. [even after spending 3 hours in fresh air]
joprojām neesmu aizgājusi gulēt, neither has my brother, but both of us are really close to doing that.

stpc - brālis šodien [t.i. vakar] uzaicināja mani līdzi uz pikniku. with his friends. that's a first. let's hope not the last [šoreiz gan neaizbraucu, bet still]

izsalkušie pīkstuļi pīkst arī naktī. plēsīgā māte nav tik agresīva un es pat pamanījos pavērot, kā šī stūķē viņiem mini knābīšos paiku. kinda cool.
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