Dialogi Ar Kādu Neprātīgo - resolutions made on a train [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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resolutions made on a train [Jan. 3rd, 2013|07:59 am]
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[Current Mood |positive thinking]

1# i will try to lead a healthier life, which includes a lot of potential up-grades like thinking about my nutrition, not in way of counting calories, but eating more vegetables and less chocolate.. it also includes being more active, moving a lot.. going to salsa with Ivan from Cuba.. dancing a lot.. this year will be the year of dancing. :) it also includes bringing schedule into my life, in matters of doing my homework on time and getting enough sleep. In a perfect world I would try to get up at 6:30 and to some stretching and go to sleep not later then midnight, which is considered to be normal in most parts of the world. so self discipline is the goal.
2# hopefully that will lead to some weight-loss. 5 kilos till summer would be awesome and 5 afterwards too.. but let's not get ahead of ourselves.
3# hopefully that also will lead to saving some money.
4# i will also be more active socially [could do more at the faculty] and more open minded towards people, especially guys.
5# and the last but not least -> i will spend more time doing creative stuff like drawing or fancywork..

[that's it]
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