Dialogi Ar Kādu Neprātīgo - klūningu aizvieto šrinkings [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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klūningu aizvieto šrinkings [Jan. 22nd, 2012|07:36 pm]
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[Current Mood |analyze that]
[Current Music |the book of lost things [ab]]

this was my first time at a shrink.
it was nice, thought that scribbling into the notebook was disturbing, but i can always hope she was really writing some cooking recipes.
my thoughts have become really structured, but i've come to a conclusion, that my inner self makes me think the thoughts i'm thinking so i don't think the thoughts my inner self is thinking. and i figured that i think what i think to feel better.

anyway all that shrinking business made it impossible to listen to my audiobook on my way home, just kept thinking and thinking and thinking..
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