Dialogi Ar Kādu Neprātīgo - November 10th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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November 10th, 2012

Good morning folks! [Nov. 10th, 2012|02:48 am]
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[Current Mood |back to sleep]
[Current Music |u2 - sometimes you can't make it on your own]

Just had another of those dying dreams again. Nezinu, būtu bišku māņticīgāka, sāktu uztraukties.
īpaši ņemot vērā, ka apm. pussekunde šķīra mani no collision with an at least 60 km/h going car un man pat nebija austiņas. Īstenībā es pat nesapratu, kas notika and moved on. un tikai like 15 minutes later, man palika weird.. one more step and.. apziņa, ka death is permanent.
Un visos no šiem sapņiem es kinda zinu laicīgi, that my days are numbered.. un visos gadījumos es reaģēju vienādi -> I laugh, un visās reizēs tas notiek tuvāko 4 gadu laikā, before I get children, kas vnm ir the only thing I regret before dying. fun.


I believe in childhood. I believe it matters.
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šodienas secinājums: [Nov. 10th, 2012|11:43 pm]
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[Current Mood |tired and happy]
[Current Music |queen - you're my best friend]

ja tavi pupi ir lieli un pakaļa arī, tev jābrauc uz Igauniju pirkt drēbes, jo tur tu jutīsies kā normāls cilvēks.
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