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Saturday, June 30th, 2012

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    apdomaaju ietaisiit vairakaas cibas:

    dieetas dienasgramata, sodien 79.3 kg, 2.5 menesi - 6 kg, leeni, bet stabili, ir zveeriiga apnemsanaas lidz 25. julijam 75 Kg un tad 70 kg lidz oktobrim

    peedas dienasgramata: vakar sazvaniju dakteri, runaajam par operaciju, man bij doma augusta beigas, vins diemzel prom (nu kaa var buut prom, kad es esmu nolemusi operet ??), varetu but septembra otraa nedeelja,,, nezinu, vai vins flirteeja vai ne,,,iedeva savu mobilo numuru, kaut gan neteiksim, ka butu liela nepieciesamiba :) nezinu, pat dazkart saubos, jo - ja peedu paaraak nelieto, tad nesaap,,, visu muuzu bez pedu aktivas lietosanas ? arii taa ir opcija

    depresijas dienagramata: juutos labi sameeraa, diivaini, nezinu, vai tas stabili vai paarejosi,,, atceros padomu: atrodiet daketri, kas jus grib izdabuut aaraa no sava kabineta (nevis tureet tur muuziigi),,, vai esmu aaraa no kabineta ? meeginaaju atrast www par psihoterapijas metodeem, bet to tik daudz un dazadu, nav jau peeda, ka atmetu ar roku,, taa es ar neuzzinaasu, kas tiesi notika, to zina tikai antonio

    zinatnes dienasgramata: sodien janosuta rakstins SIL konferencei, jauzraksta diskusija CB good status rakstinjam,,,

    miilas dienasgraamata: a to slepeni draugiem :)
    nu skaisti, eju sportot

    One of the great challenges in ecosystem-based water management is to establish a comprehensive set of ecological assessment tools and related objectives. According to the European Water Framework Directive (WFD), all member states should have developed and harmonized ecological assessment systems before 2006 with the overall aim of reaching at least “good” status by 2015. Nevertheless, the development of indicators and setting of class boundaries has turned out to be one of the most critical and difficult tasks of the WFD implementation and is not completed yet.
    The best progress achieved for phytoplankton – most of the EU countries (19) have developed lake assessment systems based on phytoplankton biomass and composition metrics. 12 countries have finalised lake assessment systems using macrophyte metrics, 8 countries - benthic fauna indicators, while development of fish-based lake assessment methods has been considerably slower.
    Hence, the stepwise progression of this contribution includes: 1) presentation of the main principles of European lake assessment; 2) overview of the metrics and indices used in the lake assessment for different quality elements; 3) principles and methodologies applied in setting “good” status boundaries; 4) some problems indentified in implementing the WFD.

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