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Monday, October 26th, 2009

    Time Event
    šausmīgi smuki esiņa uzrakštījusi par smaržām un ādu un vīrieti :)
    lai notiktu kas notikdams, jūtos priecīga un mierīga, ar laimes gruzdoņu diafragmas apkaimē

    un domāju kāpēc nu kāpēc ? vai tie ir apstākļi vai dvēseles briedums ?
    vai tāpēc, ka man ir viss, ko vēlos,
    vai tāpēc ka nav tomēr pilnīgi pilnīgi viss, ja cieši iedomā ?
    vai no veselīga uztura ? vai kādreiz pāries vai nekad ?
    Laimīgs cilvēks ir mazproduktīvs, bet tik un tā visi viņu mīl
    sēžu un smejos par esiņas atbildi:

    nav precējies, nav atraiKnis un nav gejA,, aizdomīgi, aizdomīgi

    nu baisi ar sevi lepojos, baisi !!!
    visu nedēlu organizējos, bet nu izskatās, ka viss iet pareizās sliedēs

    1) I reminded all speakers and send them all materials (questionnaires, plans etc)
    2) BQE presentations:
    a. Fish presentation – draft is ready,
    b. Benthic fauna: Willem wrote that he can prepare only benthic fauna/acidification part, so I prepared benthic fauna/eutrophication part.
    c. Macrophytes: I sent all materials to Geoff (his PC crushed, better to send mails to his new address: and hopefully he will be able to make it
    d. Phytoplankton: Anne was very busy, so I made phyto draft, we will discuss it on Monday

    3) I sent questionnaire again to participants and got some more responses – now we have around 13 MS (find zipped folder)
    4) There are some more participants –Mindaugas and Steinar who were not able to register for some reason (is it OK now?)
    5) I am struggling with dinner documents, there is hope that payment will be done next week, otherwise I will pay by my creditcard 

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