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Friday, October 23rd, 2009

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    Interesants pētījums par bērnu-karjeras mijiedarbību :) ideja, ka sievietes ir tiešām mazproduktīvas bērnu ražošanas gados, bet toties pēc tam produktīvākas par večiem, tā teik, nelineāra karjera :)

    Can having/raising children co-exist with a successful career?
    Prof. Bando of Japan reported an interesting study on the impact of motherhood. Using number of papers published in a fixed period of time as the measure of productivity, she showed how such productivity varies as a function of age both macroscopically for the average of the men and women in Japanese Physical Society, and microscopically for a eminent woman scientist in the US.[2] With both studies, the bad news is that the child-rearing years indeed coincide with relatively lower productivity. The good news is, however, that women’s productivity takes an unexpected, dramatic upturn after the child-rearing period and greatly surpasses that of men, which Prof. Bando calls the “recovery phase”. While the study is not conclusive since it based on limited data, it did bring up an interesting point: compared to men’s normal linear advancement, women’s career paths can be non-linear. The temporary setbacks, however, do not exclude long-term success. This is particularly informative and encouraging for the young women who are struggling to keep the work-life balance. It would also be important for the employers to re-evaluate their employees when it comes to their long-term value to the companies, institutions, and organizations.
    mīļie cilvēki, manas ambīcijas mani pieveiks !
    es tagad laikam esmu tai periodā, kad sieviete ir producējusi bērnus un pievēršas karjerai un tad viņa to dara ar uzrāvienu nelineāru

    man ir plāni, man ir baisie plāni eiropas ezeriem, un ne tikai plāni, viss virzās, bet es bīdu pareizā virzienā
    man tiešām griabas, lai eiropas ezerus mēra un izprot skaisti un pareizi !!!!

    jo ezeri ir kā cilvēki un cilvēki ir kā ezeri

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