skandaloza ([info]skandaloza) wrote 30. Jūnijs 2011, 13:25
Mācība, ko arī man bija jāiemācās. Es savas uzacis tagad arī dievinu un, lai tās atgūtu iepriekšējo formu, bija jāpaiet lielam laika sprīdim. Kādas tik muļķības neizdarīsi tīņa vecumā.

"As a lot of you may already know, I’ve always been a big fan of Bambi. She’s the main reason why I love big eyebrows and could never see myself with thin sparse eyebrows. Something I’m very picky about is just that, my eyebrows. I do them myself, I’ve learned a lot on my own and now I’ve become an expert at doing my own. I don’t trust anybody with them anymore because they always do them too thin, I’m assuming they think all girls find that pretty or whatever, but I certainly do not. Some girls wax or pluck their eyebrows till the point where they barely have any. Eyebrows are not a joke, whether you think so or not they’re very hard to grow back. Most people never grow theirs back like they were before. Be careful what you do to them!"
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