..lust, vice and sin.. -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]

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where is my mind? [15 Dec 2006|12:37am]
[ mood | phj ]
[ music | soulmates never die dvd ]

šovakar es izlèmu piedzerties un paspèlèt ğitàru, nedomàjot kàda panika bùs rìt no rìta..

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[15 Dec 2006|01:17pm]
[ mood | saldèjumkokteilis ]
[ music | ..hey mistery girl.. ]

..we got ticket to ride .. and we don't care! ;)

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[15 Dec 2006|05:09pm]
[ mood | neticams ]
[ music | radio ]

..vàcijà spìd spoža saule.. tàpèc vien esam laimìgi.. :)

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[ viewing | December 15th, 2006 ]
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