Afīna Kedavra ([info]shyzo) wrote on January 26th, 2010 at 01:21 pm
vēl mazliet & tad es iešu
Uzliku Pink Floyd - A Momentary Lapse of Reason disku virtuvē. Dancis* approved.

*pelēkais kaķis

The sweet smell of a great sorrow lies over the land
Plumes of smoke rise and merge into the leaden sky:
A man lies and dreams of green fields and rivers,
But awakes to a morning with no reason for waking

He's haunted by the memory of a lost paradise
In his youth or a dream, he can't be precise
He's chained forever to a world that's departed
It's not enough, it's not enough

Alas! Sorrow FTW!
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