Februāris 18., 2010

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"No see there weren't any real cartridges or pieces of Found Drama. This was the joke. All it was was you and a couple cronies got out a metro Boston phone book and tore a White Pages page out at random and thumbtacked it to the wall and then The Stork would throw a dart at it from across the room. At the page. And the name it hit becomes the subject of the Found Drama. And whatever happens to the protagonist with the name you hit the dart for like the next hour and a half is the Drama. And when the hour and a half is up, you go out and have drinks with critics who like chortlingly congratulate you on the ultimate in Neorealism. [..] The joke's theory was there's no audience and no director and no stage or set because, The Mad Stork and his cronies argued, in Reality there are none of these things. And the protagonist doesn't know he's the protagonist in Found Drama because in Reality nobody thinks they're in any sort of Drama."
D. F. Wallace "Infinite Jest"

interesanti, vai arī šis "žanrs" vismaz kaut kādīgi minimāli deformē vai iejaucas realitātē? varbūt kaut vai ar to nejaušību? vai nejaušību varētu uztvert kā kādu neapzinātu kosmisku izvēli?
bet realitāte jau tāds grūti saprotams vārdiņš.

Mūzika: BJM - super fucked

(ielikt lietas)

lake of skin -

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