13 September 2015 @ 12:00 am
experiencing vs understanding  
- i still don't know how to work out a poem.
- a poem needs understanding through the senses. the point of diving in a lake.. is not immediately to swim to the shore, but to be in the lake. to luxuriate in the sensation of water. you do not "work" the lake "out". it is experienced beyond thought. poetry soothes and emboldens the soul to accept mystery.
13 September 2015 @ 03:24 pm
13 September 2015 @ 06:13 pm
failed nostalgia-induced hunting  
viens trūkums dziesmām, kurām sastopamas dažādas melodiju variācijas - tautas mūzikas apdarēm, baznīcas dziesmām utml - ja gribi atrast kādu specifisku versiju, bet nezini autora vārdu un tā nav viena no pāris populārākajām versijām, tas ir diezgan neiespējami. un visādi "iedungo dziesmu, un mēs atradīsim!" servisi, protams, ir vērsti uz popmūziku, kāds pārsteigums.