16 June 2009 @ 07:28 pm
sens tik sens pt 2  
reiz sensenos laikos es biju angļu valodas nometnē anglijā. es vairs neatceros, kāds bija uzdevums, bet atceros, ka kopā ar spāni Dāvidu rakstīju kaut kādu lugveidīgu tekstu. laikam bij doti kādu varoņi un kaut kas par tiem, kam vajadzēja uzrakstīt turpinājumu.

šodien, meklējot kultūras vēstures īsikursa grāmatiņu (ar RV1ģ bibliotēkas zīmogu iekšā :D nopirku jaunu un pēc tam atradu šo - laikam liktens lēmis bija tai palikt pie manis), atradu to tekstu. enjoy!

Laikam ir Susan un George Harchard, kuri ir bagāti un dzīvo villā. tad kalpone Jemima, apkopējs Bob, kurš ir Susan mīļākais, un tad vēl Julia, laikam, ka mīļākā. tagad, šķiet, ka atminos, viņas bija lesbietes. Visa lieta grozās ap George plānu atriebties Bob par sievas pavešanu un Susan un Julia plānu atbrīvoties no vīra, man domāt.

Scene 1

Susan: Oh, Bob! Oh, Bob! Here, take my sword and defend yourself!
Bob: No, no my love! A sword is too old-fashioned for killing angry husbands. Do you have some kind of a mini gun or rocket launcher?
Susan: it's too heavy for me, so take my AK 47 and hide in the closet.
Bob: NO! Hiding in the closet is a way of a coward. I'm not going to hide in the closet. I'll hide behind it.

Scene 2

George: Well, I'm sorry, Jemima, but i'm not interested in your stupid secrets.
Jemima: But Bob's going to...
George: I told you to SHUT UP!
Jemima: But...
George: I told you to shut up, you f*****g b***h
[sound effect - series of loud gunshots]
Jemima: Uh... [dies]
George: OMG. Hahahahahahaha! HA! Finally, silence.. I can think my plan over again. so...

Scene 3

Julia: So, why are you laughing?
Susan: Because our cruel plan is working so well!
[background noise: a helicopter flying over the villa]
Julia: What's that?
[EXPLOSION! (terrorist attack, several bombs thrown on the villa)]

Scene 4

TV: And the news of today: a brutal terrorist attack has been made on the Harchards' villa. There are lots of victims: everyone's dead - maids, housekeeper, Mr George Harchard, Mrs Susan Harchard, dogs, horses, kittens... It's terrible, blood everywhere. The only survivor is a cleaner named Bob who was found hiding behind a closet with a machine gun AK 47. He claims that his life is threatened by Mr Harchard and refuses to leave his shelter.


Bob was transported to a mental asylum together with the closet and the piece of wall. After a few months he got better and was released. At first he found and killed everyone named George Harchard. Luckily for him, there was only one person named like that, an old man, so his d3eath wasn't very suspicious. Then he spent his life living in mountains with sheep and weed. He adopted a boy, named him George Harchard and forced him to commit a suicide. If anyone found out, he'd be transported back to the asylum again, but as there were sheep only, he lived happily ever after.