March 14th, 2025
identifying the enemey @ 09:19 pm gnidrologs: Sātaniskā Rietumžīdu realitāte - sametam čupu klonētus ai kontrolētus gaļas bluķus lai cīnās savā starpā, kamēr (((vampīri))) sūc ne tikai asinis, bet arī sāpes (garmonbozia). Anuka beidzam cīnīties viens pret otru, bet iznīcinām ļaunuma perēkli? March 12th, 2025
(no subject) @ 11:13 pm gnidrologs: Raudulīge europiderīši-vasalīši, bezpalīdzīgie bērniņi, tie, kas cauru dzīvi stumdījuši papīrīšus netflixa fonā, varētu pajautāt, ko par viņu mazītiņo bērna kara bundziņu rībināšanu un ww3 insinuācijām domā tie, kas jau atrodas frontē dažus gadiņus. Vārdu vietā viņi saņemtu bajoneti acī. March 8th, 2025
(no subject) @ 06:48 pm gnidrologs: Pajautā 99& cilvēkiem Latvijā - "ko Krievija tev izdarījusi sliktu". Nezinās ko atbildēt, ja vien nav propagandas materiāli pie rokas. March 3rd, 2025
(no subject) @ 01:38 am gnidrologs: @DavidSacks WHY ZELENSKY CANNOT MAKE PEACE
Zelensky’s meltdown in the Oval Office began over his refusal to accept a negotiated settlement to the war. Even the Vice President’s use of the word “diplomacy” provoked a heated response.
So why can’t Zelensky make a peace deal?
1) He will lose power.
Zelensky cancelled elections in Ukraine and remains in power through martial law. Despite what USAID propaganda polls may claim, Zelensky is unpopular in Ukraine and would likely lose a fair election. That could leave him vulnerable to retaliation from political opponents he has imprisoned or seized assets from. In short, Zelensky needs the war to justify his continued rule.
2) The gravy train will end.
Ukraine was widely acknowledged as the most corrupt country in Europe before the war, and there is abundant evidence that Ukrainian elites have been hugely profiting from the billions in Western aid. If the war ends, so does the gravy train. A post-war audit of where the money went would also be disastrous for Zelensky’s supporters.
3) He fears the ultra-nationalists.
Most Ukrainians say they want the war to end, but the ultra-nationalist faction (a relative minority but well-armed and willing to use violence to achieve their ends) refuses to accept any territorial concessions to Russia. If Zelensky signs such a deal, he has reason to fear for his safety.
4) He’s psychologically committed.
Zelensky’s belief in ultimate victory over Russia has “hardened into a form that worries some of his advisors,” according to a report by TIME Magazine, which described Zelensky’s faith as “immovable, verging on the messianic.” According to one of Zelensky’s aides, “He is delusional. We’re out of options. We’re not winning. But try telling him that.” Zelensky may be in too deep to see the situation objectively.
5) History will judge him harshly.
Zelensky could have accepted a draft peace deal signed in the first month of the war, the Istanbul Accords, under which Ukraine would have kept all of its territory in exchange for neutrality. A deal now will likely be modeled on Istanbul but require Ukraine to recognize realities on the ground (ie loss of territory). Acknowledging that hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have died only to get a worse deal may be too bitter a pill for Zelensky to swallow, now or ever.
In summary, Zelensky has powerful motivations to reject a deal, no matter how bad the battlefield realities get. His incentive is to continue a doomed war even if it leads to the complete destruction of Ukraine.
Instead of offering unconditional support, Zelensky’s supporters in the West should be urging him to seek a diplomatic off-ramp. Certainly they should stop catering to his unrealistic and maximalist demands.
As Solzhenitsyn said, the yes-man is your enemy, but a friend will argue with you. 12:57 AM · Mar 2, 2025
March 1st, 2025
(no subject) @ 03:40 am gnidrologs: Zelensky saying he was "fighting alone" and that America was going to "feel it" was I think what sent that right down the tubes. He's made that sorta quasi-extortionist line many times, that if he doesn't fight then other countries will suffer. An implied threat like that in other diplomatic circles that line would've gotten a smirk and cringe, then a talking to behind closed doors, but with Trump ... his entire political being is America first and he has zero decorum so he'll tell you to STFU right to your face. But he will make deals if you play his game. It's the most frustrating thing that, to me, Trump doesn't come across as particularly complicated once you get the gist of his personality. Just butter him up a bit, that's it. I do not understand why these statesmen struggle so mightily with handling him. I mean he teabagged Marco Rubio and called him a dumb, dry mouthed midget and now Marco's sitting on that couch in one of the more powerful positions there is. --- All I want is for a single pro-war person to explain how exactly Ukraine, by itself, beats Russia in a war of conquest. Everyone tells them to fight, but nobody says how to win. The fact Ukraine is even in a position to negotiate is a fucking miracle as far as I'm concerned, but I think most people do not grasp modern warfare at all, especially not conventional wars which is strictly a matter of manpower and material production, both of which Ukraine is dwarfed by Russia in. --- Drop the platitudes. The question is can Ukraine win or not. If the answer is no, then you have to negotiate. You want to negotiate from a stance of strength. Post-Kharkov in 2022 was the time to do it. Now, because you have decided to dig trenches and engage Russia in a war of attrition, you will get further and further away from a peace you want with each passing year. Believe it or not, people who want negotiation are actually on Ukraine's side. History is full of people who treated warfare with an idealist lens and it never ends well, and those people always thought they were 'helping', too. (no subject) @ 02:31 am gnidrologs: Okej, kreisie mēsli grib slepkavot cilvēkus, kas nepieņem kreisus lēmumus. Sagaidāms Teiksim satiekam tādu komunistu uz ielas un momentāli ar dzelzs zābaku pa purnu. Ja nejauši pakrīt un nomirst NAV slepkavība, bet pašaizsardzība. Un tā ar visiem. Atceramies, ka Zeļenksijs ir žīds, kara profitieris, uz kur rēķina ir simtiem tūksošu nāvju, jo viņš nevēlējās noslēgt pirms diviem gadiem piedāvāto mieru, jo bija taču iespēja sazagties labu naudiņu us USAIDS rēķina. Varu derēt tas mēsls beigās aizmauks uz Izraēlu, lai pavadītu vecumdienas uz asins naudas uzbūvētā villā. |