Freedom's captive
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Below are 20 journal entries, after skipping by the 100 most recent ones recorded in qgmr101's LiveJournal:

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    Tuesday, May 18th, 2021
    5:38 pm
    What in the hell I'm supposed to tell to people who don't want to change?
    Monday, May 17th, 2021
    11:26 pm
    EMM. Simple. Easy
    Es mani mīlu. Vienk mīlu un viss!

    Kas būs gatavs, atnāks dalīties. Kas nav gatavs, teiks skarbus vaardus, sagatavosies un atnaaks, kad biuus gatavs.

    Nav sarezgjiiti. Ir vienkaarshi. Just... relax. Mans mob tlr ir tāds, ka to zina visi, kam to vajag.
    Friday, May 14th, 2021
    11:33 am
    Stutter island.

    Current Mood: amused
    Wednesday, April 28th, 2021
    1:28 pm
    Muzikanta Josija Horikavas skaņdarbs „Burbuļi”
    Man ļoti patīk šī mūzika: Yosi Horikawa - Bubbles - YouTube.

    Current Mood: confused
    Current Music: Yosi Horikawa - Bubbles - YouTube
    Friday, April 9th, 2021
    10:15 am
    their own primitive form of hopes and dreams
    Nematodes, also called roundworms, are little animals complete with guts, nerves, muscles and their own primitive form of hopes and dreams.

    Current Mood: lethargic
    Thursday, March 25th, 2021
    3:35 pm
    Man patīk tava cepure ^_^
    Friday, March 12th, 2021
    7:02 am
    Tāds ķeksīša tipa ieraksts.

    Current Mood: weird
    Monday, February 22nd, 2021
    10:55 am
    Bojātas divas čemtreilsmidzinātājlidmašīnas
    Pastiprināti tiek izsmidzināti čemtreili. Tehnika nogurst, dažu dienu laikā jau divām lidmašīnām uzprāga dzinēji.

    Current Mood: cheerful
    10:46 am

    Current Mood: nostalgic
    Current Music: Genkai-1 - Biosphere
    Wednesday, February 17th, 2021
    10:55 pm
    Meen w hell
    Oh sell

    At least i trieed

    I meant eell all the time and I still mean well
    7:52 am
    Ainas, kurās Helēna Mirrena redzama kaila

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Monday, February 8th, 2021
    3:28 am
    Ričiņš Zehajs Ņūlovs

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Saturday, January 30th, 2021
    9:36 pm
    skaista multfilma: Lielais Tylls
    Мультфильм "Большой Тылл" (ТАЛЛИННФИЛЬМ, 1980 г.)

    Skaņas celiņš tik perfekts! (Koyaniskatsi + Odyssey 2k)

    Btw, igauņi, 1980. gads!

    Subtitri ir Ru, bet nu daudz to vārdu nau; tur kur korī sauc ritmiski skanējot, tur pārsvarā ir vārdi "ienainieks uzbruka, nāc palīgā"

    Highly recommended by [info]qgmr101.

    P.S. ODIN’S AFTERBIRTH on Vimeo <3 :*
    Sunday, January 17th, 2021
    5:28 pm
    pats dibens
    Friday, January 15th, 2021
    8:25 pm
    Dzīves Kritumi

    As seen @rimi Stacija, pie ieejas, zināmā leņķī, stāvot covidgroziņu rindā @polePosition

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Monday, January 11th, 2021
    10:41 pm
    11:04 am
    būt ar sevi mierā ir liela laime

    Current Mood: curious
    Sunday, January 10th, 2021
    12:32 pm
    Rūpītes un Raizītes

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Monday, January 4th, 2021
    9:30 am
    depris atlaida


    Current Mood: cheerful
    Monday, December 28th, 2020
    6:17 pm
    im broke af lol
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