panacea @ : Happy Hamster project
Rats, particularly when they are young, are highly motivated to engage in social play (Knutson et al. 1998), and the 50kHz vocalizations they make during these interactions are believed analogous to primate laughter (Panksepp and Burgdorf 2003).
Ou mēn, tagad man atliek tikai atrast kāmīšu un citu jauku zvēriņu ķiķināšanas frekvenci un varēšu visu savu apzinīgo mūžu veltīt laimītes izpētei!
Rats, particularly when they are young, are highly motivated to engage in social play (Knutson et al. 1998), and the 50kHz vocalizations they make during these interactions are believed analogous to primate laughter (Panksepp and Burgdorf 2003).
Ou mēn, tagad man atliek tikai atrast kāmīšu un citu jauku zvēriņu ķiķināšanas frekvenci un varēšu visu savu apzinīgo mūžu veltīt laimītes izpētei!