"Some kids know they want to chain-smoke as young as 2-3 years old. Early signs include pretending to puff on a crayon, holding a pencil between their middle and index fingers, strong cravings for candy "cigarettes," and rapidly making "huffing" sounds or deeply exhaling.
Be an inclusive adult. Tell them about people who smoke.
Educate them on the long and diverse history of tobacco use and smoking, from Native Americans' sacred rituals to European sailors and beyond.
Show them pictures of iconic smokers from diverse backgrounds and the vintage ads that made smoking look cool. Ensure they recognize they're part of a long and chic tradition."
Be an inclusive adult. Tell them about people who smoke.
Educate them on the long and diverse history of tobacco use and smoking, from Native Americans' sacred rituals to European sailors and beyond.
Show them pictures of iconic smokers from diverse backgrounds and the vintage ads that made smoking look cool. Ensure they recognize they're part of a long and chic tradition."
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